Listen, Learn and Lean In
June 9, 2020
The BEST Roasted Pecans
July 9, 2020Preparing for Color Street’s third anniversary, I’ve been reflecting on my own journey over these last three years. Below you can join me and relive our adventures together! THANK YOU for being on this crazy ride with me.
I love you. SHINE on,
Sign me up! ~ April, 2017 ~ Augusta, GA
I faxed in my application to be an Independent Stylist with Color Street in April. Yup, actually faxed. We couldn’t reveal anything on social media, we weren’t supposed to text or even private message people. Fast forward to June 11th when I spent my own money to fly to Clifton, NJ to do whatever was asked of me to help launch. We got to tour the facility and see all the things.
Our First Year
Launch Day ~ June 12, 2017 ~ Clifton, NJ
Clifton, NJ
June 12, 2017
Streets of Gold ~ August, 2017 ~ Detroit, MI
Two months later we were headed to Detroit. Fifty of the 300 who attended our very first conference in Detroit were on . It was a busy weekend, especially for the Presidential Team. We set up and decorated the ballroom & tables, wrote and presented the breakout training’s, put folders together, all while taking care of our teams. My trip consisted of airport to hotel to airport. One day I will go back and see more of Detroit, maybe even go across the border to Canada.

Following our first conference I traveled to Maryland & Arizona to meet, visit and train leaders and stylists on .

Haymarket, MD
Haymarket, MD

That first fall, in 2017, I did every event I could. Even outsides ones that are usually not my favorite. Everywhere we went people were blown away at the magic of Color Street nail polish strips.
New Year ~ March, 2018 ~ New York City, NY
All stylists who had achieved Executive were invited to come to our home office and HQ in March 2018. There were 27 of us. Five of those were on . We toured the plant, had an amazing night on the river eating at Chart House. The next day, we had a full day of bonding and training, went to dinner at a Korean BBQ spot The Park’s love, and saw Jersey Boys on Broadway.
Chop House, NJ

Our Second Year
Road tripping! ~ Fall/Winter, 2018 ~ Everywhere, USA
Taking advantage of Kelly being on the east coast, I flew up to see her. We were able to finagle an invite to the Home Office on our way to take a bus tour around NYC. We took a wrong turn and almost ended up in Philly on our way to her mom’s house. It was a great way to get facetime with each other before the upcoming craziness of conference in Las Vegas.

Following Vegas I went on another little tour to see our teammates. Maryland, St. Louis and then Valdosta, GA.

Presidential Roundtable ~ January, 2019 ~ Cliffton, NJ
With the qualifying deadline passed for making the Presidential Team, corporate invited us all back to NJ for a mastermind and roundtable. Fellow Presidential Teammate CJ Summers and I met in Atlanta to fly up and back together.

This trip to the Home Office inspired me to organize, freshen up my space and create the perfect home office!
Check it out here~ https://lorrigailmoffatt.com/creating-the-perfect-home-office/
We had monthly regional trainings in Augusta and there were a few times I ran up i20 to see Nicole and her rocking team!

CRUISING to Cozumel ~ August, 2018 ~ Cozumel, Mexico
I had never been on a cruise or even had my passport. We had a great time.
Happy Birthday Kelly ~ twice in a month’s time ~ Arizona
Working with her husband, I TOTALLY surprised Kelly for her 40th birthday party.
And then, I flew back for a Nailionaire’s Leaders at the Lake Retreat in the northern AZ mountains.

Our THIRD year
Color Your World ~ August, 2019 ~ Orlando, FL
Even though I was hobbling around on a torn right meniscus, I trained on recognition and running reports in our VO at our leader day and enjoyed seeing my team. Our team had over 350 attending. It was magical.

Peaches in Atlanta ~ September, 2019 ~ Atlanta, GA
Networking, brainstorming and finding pacing partners with other teams is smart. Gathering in Atlanta was just what we all needed right after conference.

Leaders Lift ~ Fall 2019 ~ Potomac, MD
Collaborating with Theresa and Nail Ninja’s, our leader retreat for Senior Directors and above. On the mighty Potomac River. We loved our time together.
Balloon Glow Weekend ~ October, 2019 ~ SanTan, Arizona
Lead to Freedom ~ January, 2020 ~ Fayetteville, NC
When another leader asks if you can be a guest speaker and you need a break, GO! You never can tell if there will be life -long friendships and partners waiting on you.

Trailblazers Summit ~ February, 2020 ~ San Antonio, Texas
Our Corporate retreat this year was for Senior Directors and above and was held at the gorgeous JW Marriott in San Antonio. I had never been to San Antonio before and made sure to see the city! It was hand’s down the best leader workshop event I have ever attended. Great friendships, fabulous food. And there were babies there. I was all to willing to care for them while my friends danced. (don’t miss the dancing below:)

Corporate hired a dance pro to teach the Presidential Team a dance to open the weekend. It was hilarious and I made up for still having knee trouble by filming it. Git UP!

Local Lunch with Lorri ~ Q1, 2020 ~ Augusta, GA
Before Corona turned the world upside down we started having weekly regular lunches with our teammates and friends.

sPARK of Brilliance ~ February, 2020 ~ Atlanta, GA
I was so happy to be asked to coordinate the Atlanta regional meeting. My husband, Bryan, could finally meet Mr. Park. Niki shared her story and did an amazing job.

Our Last Lunch and Learn before Corona

Leadership ~ March, 2020 ~ Charlotte, NC
Being my local generation one leaders: Niki, Lorrie, and Amy were treated to a quick qet-away with me in Charlotte. Top Golf, sleeping in, shopping and sharing our hearts over a few meals.